Nova Hotel, based on the understanding that all people are equal and free in terms of rights and dignity, accepts the creation and maintenance of a fair working environment for its employees that complies with national and international legislation and regulations as one of its most important priorities. The rights of women and children are respected within Nova Hotel. Any disrespect and wrong behavior towards women and children is not allowed.

In our relations with our employees, guests, suppliers, local community and all other business partners, we are aware of our responsibility to act in accordance with human rights, protect them and encourage them to be sensitive about this issue.

Everyone working at Nova Hotel benefits equally from all legally recognized rights and freedoms. Any discrimination or harassment, including discrimination based on gender, language, race, religion, belief, sect, philosophical and political views, ethnic origin, wealth, birth, marital status, health status, disability and age, is not tolerated.

All our employees are included in the orientation training program and our facility, rules, facilities and opportunities, and expectations are explained.

A suggestion request form has been created to ensure the participation of our employees. In this way, all employees submit their suggestions and requests necessary for the improvement of the system to the Senior Management in writing.

Meetings are held when necessary for employee needs and are constantly reviewed by the Senior Management.

Ensuring the safety of our employees, guests and suppliers constitutes the main purpose of our occupational health and safety activities.

Our principles:

Operate in accordance with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Prefer regional and local suppliers and partners.
Regularly train our employees on labor standards and human rights.
Not employ child labor.
Provide equal and standard working conditions.
Follow a compensation policy that meets prohibited regulations and standards.
Have a fair and transparent recruitment policy based on diversity, equality and inclusiveness.
Communicate our grievance and disciplinary procedures to all employees when they start work.
Provide training opportunities for all employees’ professional and personal development.
Collect employee feedback to improve their well-being at work.

We are committed to continuing to improve all our efforts to ensure a healthy and safe working environment in our facility.